0800 840 1628 • Monday - Friday 9am - 6:30pm Contact Us
Building on the success of our virtual training courses, we’re pleased to offer free health and wellbeing training for our NHS and local government colleagues in Dorset.
This rolling programme of free virtual training workshops are available to Our Dorset colleagues and workforces; our NHS trusts as well as Dorset Council and BCP Council. We often hear of difficulties organising dates, venues and staff cover. Now, you and your colleagues are invited to simply book and join when you’re free.
Using our expertise in behaviour change, we support individuals to initiate lifestyle changes that benefit their physical health and general wellbeing. Further to that, our workshops equip to you to guide people you work and interact with to make healthy lifestyle changes.
Our workshops will inspire your staff; their patients, colleagues and friends to adopt healthy lifestyle changes. They are:
Taking care of your own health and wellbeing. Supporting others take their next step to LiveWell.
Provides practical tools and techniques to strengthen personal resilience and enhance wellbeing. Participants will learn how to manage stress, support emotional health, and build mental strength for both personal and professional growth. Duration: 2 hours 15 mins
This course empowers public-facing workers to 'Make Every Contact Count' by integrating lifestyle behaviour interventions into routine interactions. Participants will learn how to have effective conversations about lifestyle behaviours, encourage healthier choices, and connect people with suitable local resources. Duration: 2 hours 15 mins.
Empowering managers and leaders to foster workplace wellbeing and take effective action. Participants will learn strategies to create a supportive work environment, recognise signs of stress and burnout, and implement impactful wellness initiatives that boost employee engagement and productivity. Duration: 4 hours.
For individuals interested in exploring healthy eating and addressing common barriers to making nutritious choices. This session examines the impact of health inequalities, health literacy, and misinformation on nutrition, as well as how poor diet contributes to health disparities. Delegates will gain the knowledge to help address these barriers and improve outcomes through diet and lifestyle interventions.
This course provides essential knowledge and tools to support people in quitting smoking. The course covers effective intervention strategies, and the latest evidence-based treatments to help improve outcomes and promote long-term tobacco cessation.
This course highlights the importance of prevention in boosting healthy life expectancy, reducing health inequalities, and easing pressure on healthcare systems. It explains why public facing workers are well-positioned to discuss lifestyle changes and introduces the Very Brief Advice (VBA) framework as an effective approach. Participants will learn how to apply VBA and signpost to local support.
This course provides an in-depth exploration of men's health, focusing on the physical, mental, and emotional aspects that shape wellbeing. It challenges stigmas surrounding men accessing health care and examines how lifestyle impacts health. Participants will also explore resources and services specifically aimed at improving men's health outcomes.
Book on to our virtual open sessions
As always, if you need more printed resources please order them from our website. Our Engagement and Training team are here for you and can be contacted here.
We email a quarterly LiveWell update for healthcare professionals. Subscribe to receive it in your inbox.
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