0800 840 1628 • Monday - Friday 9am - 6:30pm Contact Us
With the permission of the person you are signposting to our service, please complete the following form. We'll send them an email and/or text message inviting them to contact us and find out more about how we can support them. We'll encourage them to register by completing a short lifestyle assessment which will unlock their personalised advice and support.
'Connect to LiveWell' has replaced 'Contact My Patient'. Learn more or contact us to receive an update from our Engagement Team.
You can embed this tool on your system or website, by asking your system administrator to copy and paste this snippet of code:
<iframe width="100%" height="400" src"https://www.livewelldorset.co.uk/embed-contact-my-patient/" id="LWDContactMyPatient"></iframe>
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