0800 840 1628 • Monday - Friday 9am - 6:30pm Contact Us
Funded by Public Health Dorset, LiveWell works in partnership with the Integrated Care Service, including primary and secondary care, the voluntary sector and Dorset and BCP Councils. Our services include helping people access healthy lifestyle support, free staff wellbeing training and promotional resources.
There are two easy options:
1. Signpost someone. This is not a direct referral. Using the button below, complete a quick form which will trigger a text message, encouraging someone to sign up for LiveWell support. This is a great option for busy professionals.
2. Register someone. This button leads you directly to the LiveWell registration form on this website. It takes a little longer to complete but means the person you are trying to help is immediately fast-tracked into our service and can receive support straight away without needing to register themselves.
Here are some of the ways in which we can support you:
• Meet with you, your workforce, and community to provide a service overview either face-to-face or virtually
• Deliver training to support the health of your staff and those you work with
• Explain the ways you can refer and signpost people to LiveWell
• Resource you with printed flyers, posters and other electronic material
• Run pop-up information stands
• Provide NHS Health Checks at your workplace for eligible staff
• Provide feedback on the quantity and success of your referrals
Become a workplace Wellbeing Champion and help your colleagues live healthier lives
Discover moreVisit our online knowledge hub offering a wealth of health and wellbeing articles and tips
Read our latest annual service report and discover how we support patients and partners.
Use this short animation in your context to invite ppeople to take their next step to LiveWell. Embed it on your website, play it on your waiting room TV screens.
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